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Launched in 1996, Urology News is a bimonthly print and online magazine, distributed to consultant and trainee surgeons, urological nurses and continence advisors. The publication combines first-class clinical articles with conference reports, reviews of books, journals and digital platforms, and the latest news from the industry.

Our website is regularly updated with topical content written by recognised experts in the field as well as featuring an extensive archive of published content with free to download PDFs. The title has been further extended with the development of an annual product guide and a popular digital app.

For over 20 years Urology News has been essential reading for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of urology patients.




Urology News is published by Pinpoint Scotland Ltd,
9 Gayfield Square, Edinburgh, EH1 3NT, UK.

T: +44 (0)131 557 4184 F: +44 (0)131 557 4701
Publisher Justin Chater
Editorial Jennifer Fallon, T: +44 (0)131 557 4184 E:
Advertising Linda Kelly, T: +44 (0)131 478 8404 E:
Director Caroline Elder E:
Production Team Charis Stewart, Stuart Aitken, Ross Burgess, Nemo Luo
Subscriptions T: +44 (0)131 322 5996 E:
Pinpoint Scotland Ltd also publish Eye News, ENT & Audiology News and The PMFA Journal.


Print Magazine

Product Guide
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